Wednesday, January 11, 2017

We Have a Dream

We are currently learning about the Southeast region of the United States.  That's where Martin Luther King Jr. held most of his peaceful protests.  We have learned that they used to have different water fountains labeled "colored" and "white." In the buses, if a white person wanted a seat, a person of color would have to get out of the seat and stand up in the very back of the bus.  There was also a woman named Rosa Parks, and in the bus she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.  She became a symbol of dignity and strength.  The leaders of the black community organized a bus boycott.  All of their efforts put an end to segregation in the United States.  

Blog Post by Anna 

Students are working on poems that compare America during the years of segregation and America today.  These poems will be displayed outside our Humanities classroom once completed. 

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