Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Book Order Excitement!

This week our first Scholastic book order arrived. We were all really excited to get our books. Each time we order books Ms. Zumwalt earns points for free books for the class. Our next book order is due 11/11/16. Don’t forget to get your order in!

Blog Post By Ben M

What a great reminder Ben!  Thanks for sharing the excitement of reading with your class. 
If you are interested in receiving books with our next Scholastic order, please visit
Enter our class code: N9ZTM
and order by November 11th! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A few things we did in class...

We got to read From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler in class. We got to add words to our own dictionary, using our word study word parts. We got to write things in our planner, and we got to pick our PSIA events. We got to edit some of our personal stories; both narrative and research. This is what we got to do in class this week.

Blog this week by Conner

Additional Note to Parents:

Students have been working very hard on researching American artists in connection with our class novel. With this project, students have created a brochure, are replicating art, and writing a description of this artwork. The final product will be incredible! We can't wait to share it with you all! Please be on the lookout for an invitation to view our final products.

-Mrs. Zumwalt

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

American Artist Project

Our in class activity is researching American artists.  I want to tell you about this project because it is a  fun and unique activity.  The thing I most like about this project is that we got to pick what artist we wanted to research.  All of our artists are from America, and we are researching all about their lives and their artwork.  In art class we will be replicating a piece of their artwork!  The whole school will get to see what we make! 

Blog Post by Madolyn

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

ERB Test Week

ERB testing, the worst week in history. We had four whole days of testing, three reading days, and 1 math day with 2 lessons per day. Dreadful I tell you! One thing saved my friends and I, Mrs. Zumwalt to the rescue! We got to play checkers and G.O board on the iPad. Finally, Fri-Yay, the one day of the week with no ERB testing attached. Hallelujah! ERB testing was a real bummer, although we did have a lot of fun doing other exciting activities!

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